Coffee & Banana Pie (Pastel de Cafe y Bananos)
Coffee & Banana Pie (Pastel de Cafe y Bananos) is a lacto ovo vegetarian dessert. This recipe serves 8. One serving contains 529 calories, 6g of protein, and 44g of fat. For 72 cents per serving, this recipe covers 11% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. 1 person were glad they tried this recipe. Head to the store and pick up granulated sugar, salt, egg, and a few other things to make it today. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes around 45 minutes. It is brought to you by Foodista. Taking all factors into account, this recipe earns a spoonacular score of 21%, which is not so tremendous. Banana Cream Pie with Coffee Caramel, Esponjado de Café (Colombian Coffee Mousse), and Pastel de lengua (ox tongue pie) are very similar to this recipe.

all purpose flour
180 g


1.5 cups


egg yolks

granulated sugar
90 g

ground cinnamon
0.5 Tsp

ground coffee beans
2 Tbsp

heavy cream
0.5 cup

3 Tbsp

1 teaspoon

2 Tbsp
Cooking in Steps
1Begin by preparing the dough. Sift all ingredients together in a food processor (with the plastic dough attachment), except the egg and water. Pulse until you have a sandy consistency and the pieces of butter are pea size. Then place this mixture in a large bowl or not, you can continue in the food processor. Make a well in the middle and pour in the egg and water. Working with your hands or pulsing mix all ingredients together. Itll get really sticky so little by little while mixing sprinkle the extra flour in the mixture until it becomes a dough. Make sure not to over mix the dough. Once you have a dough, plastic wrap it and place it in your freezer for 30 minutes.Meanwhile, preheat oven to 375 degrees Farenheit.Next, sprinkle some extra flour on your work surface to roll out dough.
all purpose flour
food processor
plastic wrap
oven -
2Roll the dough to the proper dimension. And gently drape it over the tin and fit into the bakeware. Trim off excesses dough around the tin. With a fork poke the bottom of the pie so it doesnt rise when we pre bake it. On top put either pie weights or dried beans so theres no rise.
dried beans
oven -
3Place the tin on top of a baking sheet so its easier to put and take out of oven.
baking sheet
oven -
4Place pie crust in oven for 20 minutes. Then remove and set it aside to cool.Now for Filling.
pie crust
oven -
5Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until it turns pale yellow, and set aside. In a small sauce pot bring the heavy cream, milk, and ground coffee to a boil, then set aside to cool. Once the coffee mixture is room temperature/cool while whisking add it in slowly into the egg yolk mixture. Then add in the ground cinnamon.
ground cinnamon
ground coffee
heavy cream
egg yolk
pot -
6Whisk everything well.Lastly, cover bottom of the pie with the sliced bananas then pour over the filling and bake for approximately 30 min, or until pie is set.
whisk -
7Remove from oven, and let it cool for 5-10 minutes before serving.