Cheesecake Ice-Cream With Mango Syrup
Ready in : 45 mins
If you have about 45 minutes to spend in the kitchen, Cheesecake Ice-Cream With Mango Syrup might be a spectacular gluten free and lacto ovo vegetarian recipe to try. For $1.27 per serving, you get a dessert that serves 10. One serving contains 304 calories, 8g of protein, and 11g of fat. 18 people were impressed by this recipe. Head to the store and pick up condensed milk, milk, water, and a few other things to make it today. It is brought to you by Foodista. Taking all factors into account, this recipe earns a spoonacular score of 42%, which is good.

condensed milk
1 can

lemon juice
0.25 cup

lemon rind

cream cheese
450 grams

500 grams

1 cup

0.5 cup

vanilla bean paste
1 teaspoon

3 tablespoons
Cooking in Steps
1Place the jug in the freezer and freeze until the mixture starts to set.Use the stick blender to mix the ice-cream again for about 30 seconds. Return the mix to the freezer.Repeat this step again as the ice-cream is setting.Once the mixture has been re-mixed twice, transfer the ice-cream to a deep metal dish and return to the freezer. Choose a dish which is large enough and has enough space to use the stick blender.Blend in the metal container twice before allowing to completely freeze.
blender -
2Place all the mango syrup ingredients in a saucepan and using a stick blender puree the mix.
sauce pan
blender -
3Heat the syrup and let it boil for 5 minutes stirring regularly.Reduce the heat slightly and stir for a further two minutes or until the mixture is at a desirable syrup consistently. It will thicken slightly on cooling.
4Pour the cooled syrup over the ice-cream for a delicious Mango Cheesecake Ice-Cream.