Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Shallots
Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Shallots is a gluten free, dairy free, paleolithic, and primal recipe with 4 servings. One serving contains 124 calories, 7g of protein, and 5g of fat. For $1.33 per serving, this recipe covers 19% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. It works well as a rather cheap side dish. This recipe is liked by 22 foodies and cooks. This recipe from Foodista requires bacon, brussels sprouts, lemon juice, and shallot. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 45 minutes. With a spoonacular score of 80%, this dish is good. Similar recipes include Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Shallots, Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Shallots, and Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Shallots.

2 slices

brussels sprouts
1.5 pounds

lemon juice
1 tablespoon

salt and pepper
4 servings

1 large
Cooking in Steps
1In a large skillet place the bacon and cook until golden brown.
frying pan -
2Add the shallots and cook until tender.
3Add the Brussels sprouts and saut to high heat to give it a nice golden outside.
brussels sprouts
4Add a squeeze of lemon, salt and pepper to season and serve.
salt and pepper