Stuffed Chicken Breast
Stuffed Chicken Breast might be a good recipe to expand your side dish collection. Watching your figure? This gluten free, primal, and ketogenic recipe has 304 calories, 22g of protein, and 22g of fat per serving. This recipe serves 4. For $1.45 per serving, this recipe covers 14% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe from Pink When requires chicken seasoning, cream cheese, green onions, and chicken breast. 4 people found this recipe to be scrumptious and satisfying. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 27 minutes. Taking all factors into account, this recipe earns a spoonacular score of 47%, which is pretty good. If you like this recipe, you might also like recipes such as Stuffed Chicken Breast, Stuffed Chicken Breast, and Stuffed Chicken Breast.

chicken seasoning
2 Tbsp

cream cheese
8 oz

green onions
4 servings

chicken breast
Cooking in Steps
1Wash and Pat dry chicken breast.
chicken breast
2Cut chicken lengthwise, careful not to cut all the way through.
whole chicken
3Stuff chicken breast with cream cheese and onion.
chicken breast
cream cheese
4Firmly press the chicken breast closed.
chicken breast
5Spray chicken with olive oil based cooking spray.
cooking spray
olive oil
whole chicken
6Rib chicken breast with your favorite chicken seasonings.
chicken breast
whole chicken