Simple Roast Chicken
Ready in : 45 mins
Simple Roast Chicken is a gluten free recipe with 4 servings. For $2.76 per serving, this recipe covers 37% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. One portion of this dish contains about 47g of protein, 64g of fat, and a total of 990 calories. It works well as a rather cheap main course. 2 people were glad they tried this recipe. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 45 minutes. It is brought to you by Foodista. Head to the store and pick up chicken, butter, lemon, and a few other things to make it today. Overall, this recipe earns a solid spoonacular score of 69%.

1.2 kg

0.5 stick

5 cloves

rind of two lemons
4 servings

chilli flakes
1 teaspoon

salt and pepper
4 servings


yukon gold potatoes

sweet potatoes

chilli flakes
1 pinch

olive oil
4 servings
Cooking in Steps
1Wash the chicken inside and out and pat dry. Make sure the skin is nice and dry so the skin gets crispy. Season well with salt and pepper inside, out and under the skin.
salt and pepper
whole chicken
2Mix the butter with the garlic, chilli and lemon rind. Season a bit with salt and pepper. Stuff the flavoured butter under the skin over the breast, legs and back. Stuff the lemon half into the cavity.
flavored butter
salt and pepper
lemon peel
chili pepper
3Pre-heat the oven to 400F. Toss the two kinds of potatoes in the bottom the the baking pan with the chilli, salt and pepper to taste and a generous helping of olive oil.
salt and pepper
olive oil
chili pepper
baking pan
oven -
4Place a rack over the vegetables. Position the chicken breast side up on the rack.
chicken breast
5Bake for the first 15 minutes at 400F. Then drop the temperature and continue to cook for about an hour at 300F.
oven -
6Halfway through cooking turn the chicken on its breast. Spoon over some of the juices.
whole chicken
7Later, to check for doneness, pierce the thickest part of the chicken (the thigh). If the juices run clear the chicken is ready, if not continue cooking.
whole chicken
8Serve chicken on a platter on the bed of roasted potatoes.
roast potato
whole chicken