Braised Chicken with Artichoke Hearts & Olives

Braised Chicken with Artichoke Hearts & Olives

  Ready in : 45 mins

Braised Chicken with Artichoke Hearts & Olives might be a good recipe to expand your main course recipe box. This recipe serves 2. For $5.4 per serving, this recipe covers 28% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. One portion of this dish contains roughly 51g of protein, 26g of fat, and a total of 540 calories. This recipe from Foodista has 3 fans. Head to the store and pick up salt & pepper, onion, basil, and a few other things to make it today. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free, dairy free, paleolithic, and primal diet. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 45 minutes. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 69%. This score is pretty good.


artichoke hearts

artichoke hearts

0.5 cup

chicken broth

chicken broth

2 cups



2 handfuls

juice of lemon

juice of lemon


kalamata olives

kalamata olives

0.5 cup

olive oil

olive oil

2 servings




salt & pepper

salt & pepper

2 servings

chicken breasts

chicken breasts

1 pound

white wine

white wine

0.5 cup

Cooking in Steps

  1. 1
    Season the chicken with salt and pepper. In a large saut pan, over medium low heat, add a couple drizzles of olive oil.

    salt and pepper

    salt and pepper

    olive oil

    olive oil

    whole chicken

    whole chicken

    frying pan
    frying pan
  2. 2
    Place the chicken skin side down in the pan and cook until golden brown, flip and cook a few minutes on the other side.

    whole chicken

    whole chicken

    frying pan
    frying pan
  3. 3
    Remove the chicken and place on a dish.If the pan is dry add a small drizzle of olive oil again and the onion. Saut until slightly softened. Carefully add in the white wine and scrap all those delicious bits from the bottom of the pan. Allow the wine to reduce by half.

    white wine

    white wine

    olive oil

    olive oil

    whole chicken

    whole chicken





    frying pan
    frying pan
  4. 4
    Add in the artichoke hearts, olives and broth.

    artichoke hearts

    artichoke hearts





  5. 5
    Add the chicken back to the pot and simmer cover for about 20 minutes.Again remove the chicken from the pan.

    whole chicken

    whole chicken

    frying pan
    frying pan
  6. 6
    Add in the lemon juice and basil. Simmer for 5 minutes.

    lemon juice

    lemon juice



  7. 7
    Pour that fabulous sauce overtop the chicken and enjoy!

    whole chicken

    whole chicken