Mussels Fra Diavolo
Mussels Fra Diavolo takes approximately 45 minutes from beginning to end. Watching your figure? This gluten free, dairy free, fodmap friendly, and pescatarian recipe has 525 calories, 30g of protein, and 5g of fat per serving. For $2.12 per serving, this recipe covers 28% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe serves 4. It works well as a hor d'oeuvre. A mixture of leafs basil, well-cleaned mussels, mamma lombardi's arrabiata sauce, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so delicious. 1 person has made this recipe and would make it again. It is brought to you by Foodista. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 80%. This score is pretty good.

leafs basil

1 cup

mamma lombardi's arrabiata sauce
32 ounce

well-cleaned mussels
4 pounds
Cooking in Steps
1Place a large sauce pot over medium heat.
pot -
2Add wine and simmer for about 2 minutes.
3Add Arrabiata Sauce, basil and mussels. Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes or until all mussels have opened completely. Ladle into bowls and serve over your favorite pasta.
ladle -
4Serves 4 .