Easy Thanksgiving Entertaining
Ready in : 10 mins
Preparation time : 10 mins
You can never have too many side dish recipes, so give Easy Thanksgiving Entertaining a try. This gluten free and lacto ovo vegetarian recipe serves 6 and costs $3.69 per serving. One serving contains 470 calories, 6g of protein, and 33g of fat. A mixture of vanilla, sugar, salt, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so delicious. 45 people found this recipe to be tasty and satisfying. It can be enjoyed any time, but it is especially good for Thanksgiving. It is brought to you by Pink When. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 10 minutes. With a spoonacular score of 55%, this dish is solid.
heavy cream
2 cups
pumpkin spice cookies
1 cup
1 pinch
0.75 cup
2 teaspoons
2 cups
Cooking in Steps
1Whisk all ingredients together until sugar dissolves, then slowly add in the crushed cookies until mixes well.
whisk -
2Add everything into an ice cream machine and freeze according to manufacturers instructions.Keep frozen until ready to serve, then garnish with a cookie.
ice cream
ice cream machine