Fried Rice - Chinese comfort food
Forget going out to eat or ordering takeout every time you crave Chinese food. Try making Fried Rice - Chinese comfort food at home. For $1.4 per serving, you get a main course that serves 4. One serving contains 422 calories, 16g of protein, and 19g of fat. If you have rice, sesame oil, spring onions, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. 1 person has tried and liked this recipe. It can be enjoyed any time, but it is especially good for Autumn. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 45 minutes. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free and dairy free diet. It is brought to you by Foodista. Taking all factors into account, this recipe earns a spoonacular score of 36%, which is rather bad.

0.5 kg

1 large

spring onions
0.5 bunch


rashers bacon

vegetables from the freezer
0.5 large bag

soy sauce
2 teaspoons

soy sauce
4 servings

sesame oil
2 teaspoons

bell pepper
4 servings
Cooking in Steps
1Heat a large fry pan or work and add oil. Slide in the beaten egg mixture and cook for a minute or two until partly set. Turn over carefully and cook the other side. Once its cooked through, remove from pan, slice into small squares and set aside.
cooking oil
frying pan -
2Add a dash more vegetable oil in wok and fry onion over low heat until soft.
vegetable oil
wok -
3Add bacon and cook for a couple of minutes, stirring. Once bacon is browning, turn heat up to high and add frozen vegetables. Cook, stirring occasionally for 3-4 minutes.
4Add cooked rice, breaking it up with wooden spoon as you go. Continue stirring for a few minutes until the rice starts to form a brown crust in places. Season with light soy sauce and a dash of dark soy sauce.
light soy sauce
dark soy sauce
cooked rice
wooden spoon -
5Add a little soy sauce to start with and taste before you add more.
soy sauce
6Sprinkle with white pepper to taste.
white pepper
7Mix thoroughly so rice is evenly coated and coloured.
8Add reserved omelette pieces and chopped spring onion. Stir through and let warm through for one minute. Turn off heat then add a few shakes of sesame oil. Stir to combine.
spring onions
sesame oil
9Serve in deep, generous bowls.