Green Curry Chicken Salad
Green Curry Chicken Salad might be just the main course you are searching for. This recipe serves 2 and costs $3.08 per serving. One portion of this dish contains about 65g of protein, 33g of fat, and a total of 664 calories. 1 person has tried and liked this recipe. This recipe is typical of Indian cuisine. It is brought to you by Foodista. If you have fish sauce, granny smith apple, juice of lime, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 45 minutes. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free, dairy free, and whole 30 diet. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 84%. This score is excellent.

fish sauce
1 tablespoon

granny smith apple

green onion
0.25 cup

juice of lime

3 tablespoons

roasted chicken

romaine lettuce
1 Head

thai curry paste
1 tablespoon
Cooking in Steps
1Remove skin from chicken and then meat from bones. Shred meat, discarding skin and bones.In a medium sized bowl, whisk together mayonnaise, green curry paste, lime juice, and fish sauce.
green curry paste
fish sauce
lime juice
whole chicken
bowl -
2Mix in shredded chicken, chopped apple and green onion.Chill and serve on a bed of Romaine lettuce
shredded chicken
green onions