No-Bake Cookies with Coconut Oil

No-Bake Cookies with Coconut Oil

  Ready in : 45 mins

No-Bake Cookies with Coconut Oil requires approximately 45 minutes from start to finish. One serving contains 179 calories, 3g of protein, and 13g of fat. This recipe serves 10 and costs 47 cents per serving. 1 person were glad they tried this recipe. Head to the store and pick up almond milk, all-natural nut butter, coconut, and a few other things to make it today. It works well as a dessert. It is brought to you by Foodista. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free, dairy free, and fodmap friendly diet. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 41%. This score is pretty good. Similar recipes are Healthy No Bake Cookies with Coconut Oil, Coconut and Turmeric, Dark Chocolate Raspberry Coconut Oatmeal Cookies (made with coconut oil!), and Coconut Oil Oatmeal Cookies.


vanilla extract

vanilla extract

0.5 teaspoon

coco treasure organics coconut sugar

coco treasure organics coconut sugar

0.5 cup



0.5 cup

all-natural nut butter

all-natural nut butter

0.33333334 cup

rolled oats

rolled oats

1 cup

almond milk

almond milk

2 tablespoons

cocoa powder

cocoa powder

2 tablespoons

coco treasure organics extra virgin coconut oil

coco treasure organics extra virgin coconut oil

3 tablespoons



1 pinch

Cooking in Steps

  1. 1
    Use a parchment paper and line a baking sheet.

    baking paper
    baking paper
    baking sheet
    baking sheet
  2. 2
    In a saucepan, mix the almond milk, coconut oil, coconut sugar, and cocoa powder.

    coconut sugar

    coconut sugar

    cocoa powder

    cocoa powder

    almond milk

    almond milk

    coconut oil

    coconut oil

    sauce pan
    sauce pan
  3. 3
    Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Stir continuously.

  4. 4
    Remove from heat. Slowly add the rolled oats, shredded coconut, peanut butter, salt, and vanilla. Blend to evenly incorporate the ingredients.

    shredded coconut

    shredded coconut

    peanut butter

    peanut butter

    rolled oats

    rolled oats





  5. 5
    Scoop a tablespoon of the cookie dough and arranged on the baking sheet. If you want, you can sprinkle coconut flakes for added flavor.

    coconut flakes

    coconut flakes

    baking sheet
    baking sheet
  6. 6
    Let them sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.

  7. 7
    Serve. Keep the leftover cookies in the fridge to retain freshness.

