Filet Mignon Soft Tacos
The recipe Filet Mignon Soft Tacos is ready in roughly 45 minutes and is definitely a tremendous gluten free and pescatarian option for lovers of Mexican food. This recipe makes 2 servings with 514 calories, 49g of protein, and 29g of fat each. For $4.21 per serving, this recipe covers 24% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. It works well as a pretty expensive main course. This recipe is liked by 400 foodies and cooks. Head to the store and pick up corn tortillas, cracked pepper, guacamole, and a few other things to make it today. It is brought to you by Pink When. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 95%. This score is awesome. Similar recipes include The Secret to Easy Skillet Filet Mignon Steak Tacos, The Secret to Easy Skillet Filet Mignon Steak Tacos, and The Secret to Easy Skillet Filet Mignon Steak Tacos.

16 oz

extra virgin olive oil
2 servings

2 servings

cracked pepper
2 servings

cheddar cheese
2 servings

2 servings