Serbian Raznjici - Kebabs With Pork, Bacon, Onion and Sweet Pepper
Ready in : 45 mins
Need a gluten free, dairy free, whole 30, and ketogenic main course? Serbian Raznjici - Kebabs With Pork, Bacon, Onion and Sweet Pepper could be an outstanding recipe to try. This recipe serves 2. One serving contains 519 calories, 39g of protein, and 38g of fat. For $2.2 per serving, this recipe covers 24% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. It is brought to you by Foodista. 1 person has tried and liked this recipe. If you have pork meat, cured bacon, bell pepper, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 45 minutes. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 57%. This score is solid.

pork meat
300 grams

bell pepper
0.5 small

bell pepper
0.5 small

0.5 small

cured bacon
100 grams

ground pepper
2 pinch

3 pinch

salad oil
2 tablespoons
Cooking in Steps
1Cut the meat, peppers, onions and bacon in to bite size squares.
2Arrange cut ingredients on wooden stick.
3Place oil in a grill pan and pan roast for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown. In the process of roasting, add salt and pepper.
salt and pepper
cooking oil
grill pan
frying pan