Smoky Root Soup
Ready in : 45 mins
Smoky Root Soup might be a good recipe to expand your hor d'oeuvre recipe box. One portion of this dish contains roughly 11g of protein, 10g of fat, and a total of 265 calories. This recipe serves 6 and costs $2.99 per serving. If you have uncured bacon, carrots, bell pepper, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. 1 person were glad they tried this recipe. It is perfect for Autumn. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes around 45 minutes. It is brought to you by Foodista. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free, dairy free, paleolithic, and primal diet. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 56%. This score is pretty good.

fat of choice
2 tablespoons


3 medium

5 medium

3 medium

uncured bacon
3 slices

bone broth
1 quart

2 quarts

6 servings

bell pepper
6 servings

herb mix
1 tablespoon

chili flakes
0.5 teaspoon
Cooking in Steps
1Melt fat in a Dutch Oven or other heavy bottom stock pot
dutch oven -
2slice the onion thinly and add to the fat on a low flame
3sweat the onion for about 5 min.
4in the meantime wash and trim all the root vegetables and chop in small pieces (about 1 inch long)
root vegetable
5Add herbs to the pot
pot -
6Add the root vegetables to the pot a bit at the time as you are cutting them, mixing well every time, letting them sweat with the onions
root vegetable
pot -
7Cut the bacon slice in small pieces (inch wide) and add to the pot
pot -
8After stirring for another 5 minutes add the broth and the water to the pot
pot -
9Raise the flame to high and bring to a boil
10Reduce flame to low and cover the pot
pot -
11Simmer lightly for about 1.5 hours, or until the vegetables are tender.